Shiel Developments approved as Nudura ICF installers

We are extremely pleased to announce that Shiel Developments have recently been certified to act as Nudura ICF installers. As a company, our philosophy is all about embracing modern building technologies to create homes and offices that are energy efficient, economical to run and maintain and above all, environmentally friendly. Therefore, our approval as Nudura ICF installers fits in perfectly with this ethos.

So what is Nudura ICF? Well, it’s the new building system that’s revolutionising construction in the UK. It’s helping to make buildings that are extremely durable, long lasting and very energy efficient. They are also damp-free, warmer in winter, cooler in summer and cost far less to run and maintain.

Nudura ICF forms

ICF stands for Insulating Concrete Formwork. It’s basically polystyrene forms which are connected in a web system on site and then filled with ready-mixed concrete. The polystyrene is left in place providing complete thermal insulation, allowing your home or office building to be heated and cooled more effectively. The polystyrene blocks also give a uniform, smooth surface so it can be finished just like a traditional build.

Insulating Concrete Formwork is appropriate for any building form, with uses ranging from houses and basements to commercial, industrial, transportation and educational facilities. In short, Nudura ICF makes any building stronger, more energy efficient, comfortable and environmentally friendly. It’s perfect for all kinds of properties, all types of buildings – modern, contemporary or traditional - and allows us to complete the build much faster too.